Folding a pocket square
How to fold a pocket square
A pocket square is rarely a requirement of any dress code, so to wear one is to make a statement, however subtle that may be. You could be expressing a refined understanding of how to match textures and pattern, or you could be trying to stand out amongst a crowd of besuited gentlemen. The variety of textures and patterns available ensure you have a plethora of choice when it comes to selecting the perfect pocket square. To really distinguish yourself however, knowing how to fold a pocket square is of equal importance to its design. There are literally hundreds of variations of how to fold a pocket square, so below we’ve picked out the five folds we most commonly find ourselves using.
1 - Straight Fold
1 - Start with the pocket square face down
2 - Fold one third over left to right
3 - Fold back the other third right to left
4 - Fold up the bottom third
5 - This is the reverse side, ready to be placed into your top pocket.
Note - if you have a smaller pocket square, then you may wish to fold once in half rather than thirds. When you place this into your pocket, there should be around 1 centimetre visible.
2 - Single Point fold
1 - Start with the pocket square face down with a point at the top
2 - Fold the bottom half up to the top
3 - Fold about one third over left to right
4 - Fold the right side point back to the left edge
5 - Fold the bottom third upwards to show the finished fold from the reverse side
3 - Double Point Fold
1 - Start with the pocket square face down with a point at the top
2 - Fold the bottom half up to the top, but with the points slightly offset
3 - Fold about one third over left to right
4 - Fold the right side point back to the left edge
5 - Fold the bottom third upwards to show the finished fold from the reverse side
4 - Sail Boat Fold
1 - Start with the pocket square face down
2 - Fold one half over left to right
3 - Fold the bottom half up to the top
4 - Fold one third round to the back on an angle so that one corner peaks up
5 - fold the bottom third up
Note - This style works particularly well when you have a contrasting edge to your pocket square.
5 - Puff Fold
1 - Start with the pocket square face up, and pinch the centre between your fingers.
2 - Form a ring with your thumb and forefinger on your left hand to pull the pocket square through
3 - Pinch the pocket square in the centre forming the puff above
4 - Whilst pinching, fold the bottom corners upwards
5 - The finished fold, as seen from the front
Note - the puff fold works well on heavily pattered designs such as paisley or floral print pocket squares, and is often best reserved for less formal environments.